Just Another Day at the Office
Monday evening I covered an American Legion Baseball game at Sage Park in Berlin. When I arrived, I asked the Berlin coach if I could shoot from inside the field. He said, "Sure, just watch out for the foul balls." I shot from an area alongside the home team dugout for a few innings and decided to talk to the home plate ump. I asked the ump if they're were designated media areas on the field and he replied "You can shoot from anywhere, just don't get hit." Just what I was hoping to here. I left the game around 8:30 p.m. when the score was 2-1 Middletown...deadline!
I received a lot of support from Post 75 fans last night. My favorite was from an older gentleman sitting on the top row in the home team bleachers. As I left the ballpark he said to me, "Just another day at the office." That about sums it up...just another day at the office!
So what is going on at Palmer Field?