Day Seven
D a y S e v e n
Day seven has definitely been the most difficult day to photograph the chicks. I slipped off a small step ladder and landed in a pile of weeds. The chicks are now on to me. When I walk by the window without a camera in hand, they are bright eyed and bushy tailed, but by the time I grab the camera and head outdoors, they are snug as bugs. They are definitely acting like toddlers.

I managed to trick them and grab this shot. They are teasing me big time!!!

QUESTION: When do baby Robins leave the nest? ANSWER: Baby robins spend a few days on the ground learning to fly. Once they can fly and are weaned from being parent fed, they fly away and find their own territory.
QUESTION: Baby Robins- how long until they can leave the nest? ANSWER: Robins usually leave the nest at about 2 weeks of age and will try to fly and become independent.
What will I do when they fledge? Watching them grow has completely occupied my time.
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